User Interface Design
Technical advancements are not creative CONCEPTS

Ongoing advances in technology always open new possibilities for creatives and developers. It’s a way of life in digital media.
But do those exciting new advances make us better or worse at what we do? How do they challenge our inventiveness and our range of skills?
I hate to report, but the most exciting technical advancements in our medium today are a trap of a sort that critically limits how creative most of us are. And many are blind to it.
In fact you could be doing significantly better work than others in your field if you just change your mindset. And I want to help you do that.
The only way I know to explain this is to tell you how I came to this place.
The Two Strings Theory

How Humanity’s Deepest Longing And Beauty Are Hidden In Technology
Technology is advancing at an exponential rate. It’s overwhelming. And while there are countless technical domains that I cannot speak about with any expertise, I can talk about one.
My domain is communication media. And it, like all the others, is advancing wildly, exponentially, and in seemingly unpredictable ways with no end imaginable.
However, what has taken me years to realize is that counter to popular assumption, there is nothing unpredictable about the progression of technical advancement in communucation media, and that the progression does indeed have an actual end-state, a technical state afterwhich no further technical development will be sought.
What honestly surprised me most of all was that this end-state revealed something core, and beautiful about humanity.
On this day RIP Steve Jobs passed away on Oct 5 2011
Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005
Welcome to Project Soli
Project Soli is developing a new interaction sensor using radar technology. The sensor can track sub-millimeter motions at high speed and accuracy. It fits onto a chip, can be produced at scale and built into small devices and everyday objects.
Happy New Year 2018!
The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet

Interesting read from The Great Web Design Crisis of 2017 by Joel Hladecek , September 27, 2016
Happy Holiday

Merry Christmas & Happy New Years 2016
From me to you,
The Do Not Destroy Team
Merry Christmas 2014

For You & Yours
The Do Not Destroy Team
MetaTalk: Tim Smith
MetaTalk: Tim Smith (full) from MetaDesign on Vimeo.
In a mobile-obsessed world of BYODs, implementing a mobile first strategy is a direction many brands consider. In his recent MetaTalk Mobile First: Designing and Developing New Digital Experiences, Applied Design Group Principal Tim Smith covers the basics on why mobile matters, and why responsive design is only a small part of the answer.
New Website Launch!

We’re still testing this new version 05 (Beta).
Browser Recommendations: Please use a standards-compliant web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, IE9, IE10 or Safari. Our site has been checked and can be viewed on all devices although irregularities may occur and certain functions may not be executed as intended.
Happy Friday!
The Do Not Destroy Team
Update Tuesday April 29th 6:30am PDT: Bugs Fixed.